Have you figured out how much money you need for retirement yet? If you answered "Yes", then you're preparing for your post-working years. But even if you answered "No", there's no need to sound the alarm. Would you believe that 36% of today's successful retirees never calculated how much they would need for retirement? That's the result of a new exclusive survey by MoneyTips.com.
In order to help Americans get the most out of their retirement, we conducted a survey of 510 retirees and semi-retirees to learn how they prepared for their golden years. After we analyzed the data, we got some of the top social influencers in personal finance and wealth to comment on the findings, which you can see in the infographic here.
Want to learn more about successful retirees and their habits, such as how they minimize their risk of running out of money and what were their biggest mistakes? Download your free copy of the eBook, "The Retiree Next Door: Successful Seniors' Surprising Secrets."
Want to retire in comfort? We have gathered some of the top social influencers in personal finance to share tips to help you dramatically improve your chances of one day retiring in style - 140 characters at a time. Download the free eBook "The #RetireeNextDoor Retweetables: 100 Best Retirement Tweets"
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